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Can you answer some questions for me.

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Joined: 12/31/1969


I have a few questions for people and I am doing a bit of an informal survey. Please answer the questions below and give a reason why you answered that way. Thanks in advance.

In a board game what type of models do you like?
1) Do you prefer realistic detailed models or just simple pawns?
2) Do you prefer plastic or metal?
3) Would you pay more for a game if it had neat models?
4) Would you pay more for a game if it had metal models over plastic?
5) Does the weight of the box influence your purchase decision? In what way?

Thanks a lot.

Joined: 08/03/2008
Can you answer some questions for me.

1) Do you prefer realistic detailed models or just simple pawns?

Depends on the game. Sometimes I prefer plastic bits (War of the Ring is a good example) but I generally prefer wood and cardboard to detailed plastic bits.

2) Do you prefer plastic or metal?



3) Would you pay more for a game if it had neat models?

In general, no. But, it depends on the game. For a game like War of the Ring where the plastic really sells the atmosphere, yes. For a game like Risk, the new "miniatures" version of the game don't seem to add anything compared to the old "three pointed star" (?) pieces.


4) Would you pay more for a game if it had metal models over plastic?



5) Does the weight of the box influence your purchase decision? In what way?

No, but I buy 90% of my games on line, and I don't ever impulse-buy games, so box weight would never be a factor in my decision.


Jpwoo's picture
Joined: 03/26/2009
Can you answer some questions for me.

Most of these questions depend on the type of game. At least for me.

Minis are good for certain war games, adventure games, or childrens games.

I prefer plastic over metal, mainly for a price point. Sure robo-rally has metal minis but I would have been just as happy with plastic.

Pay more? Again depends on the game. I wouldn't buy the fancy Settlers of catan, in fact I like the simple wooden pieces better for that game. Descent with wooden blocks, probably not as enjoyable.

Sometimes if I am in a store and judging a game that I haven't heard of I will test box weight. Mainly I don't like to see a game with a large box that doesn't weigh much. The wasted space bothers me.

clearclaw's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: Can you answer some questions for me.

Warrior10thCircle wrote:
In a board game what type of models do you like?

While I expect that I'm not in your target market (I don't currently play games with minis or similar figures), in general I have a very hard time thinking of a better game piece that the simple coloured wooden cube. Oh sure, sometimes wooden octagonal projections, cylinders, cones, meeple-forms etc are also useful but the simple wooden cube trumps them all.

Joined: 07/28/2008
Re: Can you answer some questions for me.

1) Do you prefer realistic detailed models or just simple pawns?

Realistic. This adds to the theme. Even if there is no theme, what would Monopoly be like without its Dog and Top Hat tokens.

2) Do you prefer plastic or metal?

No preference.

3) Would you pay more for a game if it had neat models?

Unlikely - but if I am selecting between games which have had equal reviews then a good looking game would get my preference - and tokens form part of that

4) Would you pay more for a game if it had metal models over plastic?


5) Does the weight of the box influence your purchase decision? In what way?

Knowing what is inside the box from reviews etc. will influence my decision but just because something has lots of pieces doesn't mean it will be any good. In practice I tend to go for games in smaller rather than larger boxes simply due to space considerations - so I suppose that indirectly I go for the lighter boxes.

Joined: 11/26/2011
Re: Can you answer some questions for me.

In a board game what type of models do you like?
1) Do you prefer realistic detailed models or just simple pawns?

I think I'll always prefer detailed models. I'm a real kid at heart.

2) Do you prefer plastic or metal?

Plastic hands down. Not a fan of metal.

3) Would you pay more for a game if it had neat models?

Possibly. It would depend on a lot of things.

4) Would you pay more for a game if it had metal models over plastic?

No, I would pay LESS! Definately not be happy with metal over plastic.

5) Does the weight of the box influence your purchase decision? In what way?

Weight is a bad thing. I don't like to lug around a lot of weight. Who does? I don't think it has ever been a make or break decision for buying a game, but it has been a make or break decision on whether I bring a game to game nite or not.

Put it this way, if a game is heavy it had better be a long play, great game. If Twilight Emperium played in 20 minutes, I would never bring it to game night no matter how good a game it was. I could bring three other games in it's place.


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