I saw on the Zman Games website today that a game called Gheos is slated for this fall; I assume this is Zaiga's Gheos we've read about here on bgdf? Congratulations, that's great news!
Gheos from Zman?
Very perceptive ensor! I was wondering when someone would notice it. Yes, you are right, it is "my" Gheos, which I designed for the "Doomed Civilization" contest held on this website so many years ago! It will be published by Zman games, and should be available at Essen, or at least thats the plan.
Wow. Very cool. Congrats!
Very perceptive ensor! I was wondering when someone would notice it. Yes, you are right, it is "my" Gheos, which I designed for the "Doomed Civilization" contest held on this website so many years ago! It will be published by Zman games, and should be available at Essen, or at least thats the plan.
Also part of the plan is my involvement from an artwork perspective. René allowed me to create some samples of game-component art for Gheos and submitted them to Zman for me, and I'm glad to report that I have been hired on to the project, sent my signed contracts in a few days ago. Another BGDF connection! Excellent!
Sweet! You guys rock!
René, awesome! From the time I read your updated rules I knew it was a winner. I'm glad you found a publisher who agreed. Congratulations!
And congratulations to you, too, Josh. Very cool!
-- Matthew
Wow congratz René, it was only a matter of time!
As soon as it is available you can count on at least one order from me!
Is there still a forum post around reagrding the rules to Gheos somewhere? I'd like to refresh myself on it, and I've been digging around a little, but I can't find anything.
Great news René and Josh!
I'll look for threads on Gheos,
Josh, show us some samples when you get the chance!
Yes, congrats!!
I liked Gheos from the start - it's one of the games I proto'ed and tried out. I still have the old version at home.
I am not too familiar with the revamped or current rules, but I'm very curious! I'm also interested to see art samples if they are likely eot be shown. I usually dont buy games, but I might have to start making exceptions if you guys start publishing the designs I like! Hopefully in a few years commercial versions of Gheos, Everest, Acts of the Deciples, and Isla Margarita will be sitting on my shelf next to Princes of Florence and Tigris & Euphrates :)
- Seth
I'd like to show some samples but I want to make sure that I have permission from René and Zev at Z-man before I do so. Stay tuned!
Congratulations, guys. While I never had the chance to play the prototype, I look forward to picking up a copy of the real thing once it's available.
Fantastic news! I'm looking forward to trying this myself.
Likewise -- I love civ-building games. BTW, where did the name "Gheos" come from?
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I hope Gheos will live up to your expectations!
Likewise -- I love civ-building games. BTW, where did the name "Gheos" come from?
It's a combination of "geo", from the Greek word for earth, and "chaos".
Quote:Very perceptive ensor! I was wondering when someone would notice it. Yes, you are right, it is "my" Gheos, which I designed for the "Doomed Civilization" contest held on this website so many years ago! It will be published by Zman games, and should be available at Essen, or at least thats the plan.
Also part of the plan is my involvement from an artwork perspective. René allowed me to create some samples of game-component art for Gheos and submitted them to Zman for me, and I'm glad to report that I have been hired on to the project, sent my signed contracts in a few days ago. Another BGDF connection! Excellent!
That poses a complex problem to my just-starting BGDF signed games collection. How would I get a copy with both signatures? (I guess adding Zev's signature to the game would mean only a minnor extra challenge)
Congratulations to both! :-) What I've read about Gheos immediatly got the game added to my wish list. The addition of Josh's illustration talent has just pushed it to a new "MUST-MUST-MUST have it" list.
What I've read about Gheos immediatly got the game added to my wish list.
Very nice!! Congrats, rene! :)
Congratulations! I can't wait to play it!
For those interested, I've created an entry for Gheos on BoardGameGeek: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/23730
There's nothing yet to see, but I'm sure it will be filled with interesting stuff sometime in the future ;)
Info from Boardgame News:
Very sexy, sir. I can't wait to get a copy and say I "know" the designer =)
The Gheos game page is up on the Z-Man website, with Rules!
Good stuff Rene and Josh!
I read the rules - looks like a brain-burner!
A few comments:
"The player who can refrain longest from laughing starts the game".
LOL! Damn, I can't go first.
My only other comment is that I think the game should have come with a scoring pad (like San Juan). Writing scores with pen and paper is not as appealing especially when you have many different ways to score.
Seems like a good candidate for SpielByWeb! I will definitely keep this game on my radar when it is released.
Seems like a good candidate for SpielByWeb!
I thought so too! In fact, in one way, it would be better online -- replacing tiles that are surrounded by other tiles is something a computer would do much more cleanly than these twitchy unreliable sticks I call fingers.
Great rulebook and attractive game, Rene and Josh. Congratulations!
Hey, thanks, guys! René himself is on vacation till the 15th, or I'm sure he would have responded already.
It is certainly great to see René's work (and my own) up on the Z-man site and to really get a sense finally that production is imminent. (I have put in about a zillion hours of work on the game so far - fun but exhausting) Can't wait to get my hands on a real copy of the game.... I've been playing with cardstock home-printed tiles and pieces stolen from RISK. :-)
Before anyone asks, that painting for the box cover is not by me... Z-man Games hired a cover artist to create the painting based on my concept sketch... His name is Allan Bednar and he does amazing work... check out his style here. What a great painting! I am humbled by the man's talent. Wait'll you guys see it close up.. it's quite fantastic!
Anyway, thanks for the kind words and wishes!
Great work guys!
It looks pretty cool, keep us informed of it's shipping date please!
The game looks great guys - will be an must-order for me when released.
Kudos on the art too - did you guys layout the rule book and examples too? How much of what you did made it through to the final look?
For the record, I have found it easier to set the replacement tile on top of the old tile, rather than remove the old tile. This is physically much easier, and it creates a cool topology to the board.
- Seth
The game looks great guys - will be an must-order for me when released.
Kudos on the art too - did you guys layout the rule book and examples too? How much of what you did made it through to the final look?
Thank you for the compliments! I did all visuals except for the painting on the front cover of the box. All final components, icons, tiles, tokens, rulebook layout and design, rules examples.....
I was actually not involved with Gheos until René had already secured a publishing deal with Z-man. His original submission used basic but functional illustrations (assumedly created by him - I never asked) for the components and rulebook examples. René did not hire me himself to work on his game... although his recommendation was crucial towards my being hired by Z-man to provide the illustration and graphic design for the published version. So, because of this arrangement, everything of what we did made it through to the final look - after all, I was hired to create that look!
I worked closely with René (MSN Messenger made Canada - Netherlands communication easy) to bring all visuals to the point where he was happy with them, and then we forwarded them along to Z-man for approval. In this fashion we eventually arrived at what you see in the rules. Nearly every element went through a few rounds of changes. René is very thorough and has a great feel for where the line between form and function should be drawn.
Quite a fun project, and so very close to completion. In the process I also learned an incredible amount about game component production and feel that the next project I work on will be that much smoother for it.
In the process I also learned an incredible amount about game component production and feel that the next project I work on will be that much smoother for it.
Smooooooth Pirates... ;)
Outsidelime, it's very nice to read your experience with the project, and it's great to see designers on this board get their work published. Hoorray for all of us!
Again, great work guys!