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Game object definitions

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Joined: 12/31/1969

Howdy, folks! I'm working at the request of Darkehorse on a virtual board game testing application, and I thought I would be best off making sure I had everything essential to a board game itself. So, if you would, please describe to me anything I left out from this list, in detail, and I'll add it to my documentation. Here's what I have for physical game objects:

Backface Appearance
Frontface Appearance

PAWNS (player pieces)



I would appreciate greatly if you could suggest additions and/or modifications to this list.

Joined: 10/02/2009
Game object definitions

Are these Objects in the Java/C++ sense? Or do you mean something different by the term 'object'?

And, are the items underneath them supposed to be the properties of the objects?

If so, then you might consider DICE as an object, including properties like 'number of sides'... 'side values'...

That way, even a coin flip could be defined as a DICE event...

Would money (in the Monopoly/Payday sense) be TOKENs, then?

How about a BOARD object? I know you defined BOARD SPACES, but you'd need a BOARD object as a collection of BOARD SPACES, I'd think.

Basically, my approach would be to go to Toys'R Us or WalMart or something and start looking at game components and try to envision each game using the Objects you've defined...


Joined: 12/31/1969
Game object definitions

TrekNoid wrote:
Are these Objects in the Java/C++ sense? Or do you mean something different by the term 'object'?

Yes, I'm speaking in the Java/C++ sense.

And, are the items underneath them supposed to be the properties of the objects?


If so, then you might consider DICE as an object, including properties like 'number of sides'... 'side values'...

I already have dice objects done, I just omitted it from the list. *blush*

That way, even a coin flip could be defined as a DICE event...

Yeah, my Die class allows for any number of sides, so that wouldn't be a problem at all.

Would money (in the Monopoly/Payday sense) be TOKENs, then?

I would imagine it would be considered a score more than a group of objects. Otherwise, yes, they would be tokens.

How about a BOARD object? I know you defined BOARD SPACES, but you'd need a BOARD object as a collection of BOARD SPACES, I'd think.

That could be. I was thinking of making a board a collection of spaces, but hadn't thought of making a board object (since there are games where you can build/modify a board).

Basically, my approach would be to go to Toys'R Us or WalMart or something and start looking at game components and try to envision each game using the Objects you've defined...

Yeah, very good idea. So far I've managed to make everything from MTG cards, to Scrabble tiles, to poker cards, to Chess pieces, and wargame units with this simple set of objects.

Thank you for your input, TrekNoid!

Joined: 12/31/1969
Game object definitions

I recommend a more generic and flexible approach.

Make one game object for everything, every object consist of one or more sides, every side consists of zero or more edges.

Every side may have a list of positions on it where other game objects may be placed on it. (Placing Points)
Every side may also have a reference to another objects PP’s and it’s order on that PP, ie its current placement in the game.
Multiple objects on the same PP create stacks.
It’s a game objects side that has a graphical definition tied to it.

Every edge should have an orientation, that way you know not just where the object are but also it’s orientation if that is valid for the game. (Carcassone)

All of the nodes, from the main object to a single edge or PP should be able to have a list of values attached to them, either text, numerical or a reference to any part of a game object structure from names on main game objects to a value on edges.
Default values should be name, type, owner (reference to the Bank or a player/players) and such. Additional values could be cost, consumes and such.

Function to randomize an objects placement (also in a stack, think shuffling cards), side and edge should exist.

This way you have everything from the playing board to cards, dices, pawns or whatever handily done and don’t limit any of them in functionality. Ie, boards with 2 sides (Shadows over Camelot) or “tap” of cards like in MTG.

You also need “non physical” things like Players, flexible playing order (Puerto rico), game/turn structure.

Obviously this is just the tip of the iceberg but it’s a start. :)

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