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Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008

Well I added a few of the current articles looked on the current wite so we would have real content in articles and not TEST this TEST that type of garbage. And the articles look better to me now on the home page.

As a BIG side note, I happen to delete a recent article submission from somone testing the wiki. The article was a how-to about something to go with a hex (i think it was about this at least). If you could submit the article again I will add it back in. again sorry, but I hit the wrong button! And could not get the article back.

Joined: 04/23/2013

Thanks Dave. Those real articles look much better. Should we consider putting them back on the home page again? Also, regarding that article (I think gogolski or Yogurt wrote it) would be better served as a wiki page. Let's keep articles restricted to news and lets keep how tos and such in the wiki. Do you agree?


Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008

First off, yes, how-tos should stay as wiki pages. Not articles. Which brings up a good question:

How are we going to announce new content on the site? Such as a new how-to page?

Secondly, I think the articles might need to go on the hom page again. I think it will give a better flow/conversion over to the new site. But that means I need to get on the ball and fix the top bar menu links so Getting Started and Home are linking to the correct content.

And maybe I can also figure out a way this weekend (most likely later next week since the wife is out of town) to add the Site Index page content to the top of the Articles page. This would give you your *Welcome to BGDF...* information on the top of the articles, when located on the home page. I think it will only take me a couple simple changes to att it to the main index page.

Gogolski's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

The hex-prototyping-tool-thing was mine indeed... It was just an idea I recently had and for which I need to take pictures to create the 'how-to'-page.

I'm currently painting a house and doing my job and it's "Gensche Fieste" in my town, so I'm waaaaaaayyy too busy to do that now. (I also don't have a camera anymore, so I need to borow one first too...)

As soon as it's done, I'll be most happy to share my hex-thing-idea...


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