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Images and Galleries

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Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008

Ok, where do images get stored that people upload into entries? e.g. I just uploaded an image to put in my Userpage - where is it actually stored and how could I delete it from the site?

I know there are Galleries, and I will see if I can play with those soon, but it may be good for you guys to be able to limit or delete images people upload to random places, to save on space...

Joined: 04/23/2013
Images and Galleries

The best place to upload images for your userpage is in My Tiki, then upload them to My files. I think each person has a 2 meg quota. The only thing that should be uploaded to the galleries or the file lists is things that go in the wiki. We probably need to change the permissions so only editors and admins can upload pictures or files. Thanks for bringing that to our attention!


Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Images and Galleries

I have changed the permissions on the galleries. Currently it is set up so registered members can view. Editor/Admin can upload and create new galleries.

Can someone (not admins) try to see if they can do anything besides but view the images? thanks

Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Images and Galleries

Nope, don't gots me no option to make a new gallery...

But, under Image Galleries in the left hand menu column there is still the 'Upload Image' link, which, if you are not allowed to Upload Images, should be removed (i.e. only visable to Editor/Admins.)

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Images and Galleries

Yeah removal of the upload menu option would be nice. Sadly I will have to make a code change to do that. Though I am not sure I want to alter the code, wonder why menu options are not already removed based on permissions.

Ah well, thanks for taking the time to look it over!

Nestalawe's picture
Joined: 08/07/2008
Images and Galleries

No worries, keep em coming ;)

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