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Two minutes between posts (and quoting)

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Yogurt's picture
Joined: 01/09/2009

I tried to create a discussion in response to Scurra's user page. I realized I wanted to quote part of his page, so I hit back without posting. Hitting the discussion button again gave me the "two minute" warning even though I'd never posted.

Is the 2-minute limit even necessary, really? Could it be applied to new users only?

Also, about quoting, does the () argument inside the {Quote()} command do anything? The quote feature as a whole doesn't seem to highlight the text or otherwise mark it in Firefox. It just prints "Quote:" above the copied text.

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Two minutes between posts (and quoting)

I will change the time between posts, 2 minutes is a long time, too long!

The quote functionality seems to work and display differently for each theme. The currently default theme may not do anything special, but others will wrap the data in a box, etc.

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Two minutes between posts (and quoting)

Hmmm very odd all the forums seem to be set for 30 secs, so I am not sure how you got the 2 minute post warning.

Yogurt's picture
Joined: 01/09/2009
Two minutes between posts (and quoting)

What I did was hit discuss on a user page, hit my browser's back arrow, and then hit discuss again. The two-minute warning appeared.

But I just tried it on your page, and I got no warning. So file this under "huh."

By the way, I've been wanting to do a Community Resources game (mentioned on your page) since before I came to BGDF. Never seem to get around to it...

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