This seemed like the most appropriate forum to me. I was playing risk with the inlaws the other day, and we got onto the topic of different maps other than the world map. ie: asia, europe and north america in the pc version. I am curious if there are any alternate maps out there for the board game, or do i have to get creative and make my own?
Thu, 09/09/2004 - 05:40
Thu, 09/09/2004 - 08:09
Well the obvious observation here is that Hasbro came to the same conclusion, which is why Risk 2210 exists (which added the Moon IIRC) and Risk:Godstorm (which adds Atlantis to the mix.)
And the most radical one of all is, of course, Lord of the Rings Risk which has a very dfifferent board with its own issues.
I would guess that there are lots of people who have done their own Risk boards (I know I did for the David Eddings "Belgariad" setting.) I'm sure a decent Google search would find a few on-line.
Agreed! And there's enough information in the forums here to help you create your own board and cards should you decide to go that route.