Hi, my name is Nancy and I'm a student at University of California at Davis. I'm doing a research project on current trends in board games for my design class. If any of you could offer some info or suggestions I'd really appreciate it.
I doubt this could work since there would most likely be issues with keeping your ideas from being stolen, but if any of you have something you'd like to promote I'd be happy to include it in the presentation (I would have to consult with my group members first though).
Wow! Thanks so much for the information! You seem to be very knowledgeable about this field. Would it be possible to conduct a sort of quasi online interview with you? Do you know anybody else who would be willing to talk about current (and also future) trends in board games?
This is basically a studio/theory class that introduces us to a variety of media (gouaches, prisma color pencils, etc). We cover everything from ads/package design to fabric design. As for this project we are to "become experts in [our] field". My teacher isn't very specific about what he wants, but the main thing is to discuss current trends in our topics (history and future trends would be good as well). At this point I'm interested in current trends in any aspect of board game design. Perhaps the types of games that are popular now, their package design, or how technology has been incorporated?
In my teacher's previous classes, people have gone all out, spending hundreds of dollars making their presentations professional (transforming the interior decoration of an entire room to fit their presentation, videos, powerpoints, etc). From what I've seen of older projects, this is not merely an informational presentation; we are acting as if we are selling a product. So uh... if anybody has a product/site that could use some plugs, we'll do it professionally (hopefully ^_^).