Hello everybody.
game of football
Wed, 03/26/2003 - 17:48
Fri, 03/07/2003 - 14:44
game of football
I second most of what Alfredo
Fri, 03/07/2003 - 15:41
game of football
Hello maggot and welcome to the bgdf!
First of all, the "ideas are dime a dozen" is very true and intellectual property is expensive but I would not let that put you down. From a link to a nice article I found in the web links.
Quote:Classic traps to avoid
1) A Secrecy Paranoia
Undoubtedly you don
Wed, 03/26/2003 - 17:48
game of football
And I, who probably have less experience than any of these people, would also like to add something I

From everything I have read, here and elsewhere...
-is there a chance that somebody could take interest in my idea? You see I come from poland and I have no resources to publish the game myself, so maybe some English company could just have a look at my concept. If so, could you give me some directions where I should start my search.
There is a slim, slim chance a company would be interested in your idea. Given that you have only played it with your friends and have not done any blind-testing, I would put your chances at "close to nil." My recommendation is to make a nice prototype or two and get the rules written up. Find, either here or in your community, other people to try the game, without you being there to answer questions. Once you have a good 20 or so blind tests, fix the mistakes people found, and approach publishers. Being in the U.S. I don