Hi Everyone,
I literally discovered the site just today and fell in love with it right away. I am a college student who is a week away from finals and will have 4 months of free time ahead of me. The main way I plan to fill it is through game design ( primitive though my noobie efforts may be. :wink:)
Right now I have 1 small project ready for a first playtest (an expansion of Star Wars: Epic Duels; I readily admit to being a geek :lol: ), and three projects that are just getting off the ground design-wise. How do you guys feel about starting out with expansions for games just to get the hang of balancing gameplay elements? it makes playtesting very easy and is a smaller project on the whole. To be sure, eventually I want to design entire games, but do you think this is a good way to get my feet wet? Thank You
Hey man I thinks it is a cool idea
I really like to hear your idea for the mod because I have
star wars: epic duels
So when you get a chance can you post it?