Hello all, I just wanted to say that I love the forum (lots of good tips) and I need some outside opinion.
I'm currently working on a design for a wargame set in the Roman era. It's the sort of game where players ponder multiple strategies and can choose different paths in attempt at claiming the Empire. It employs lots of dice battles, card drawing, economic management, etc. etc. etc. This design is in the same vein as the MB Gamemaster series, which I enjoy when I have the time to play (Shogun being the best IMO). By the way I've seen Conquest of the Empire, but I've never played it.
Here's my dilemma. I'm currently on page 20 of the rulebook and it deals with phase D (4th phase) of the player's turn sequence which goes from phase A to phase G right now. As you can see it's incredibly detailed. I've now blown a mental gasket and I put the rulebook aside in frustration.
My question is, how much is too much detail?
There are 5 ways to win in this game:
Strategically - kill 'em all!
Diplomatically - ally with territories and exchange technologies & treaties
Economically - develop what you area you have and earn the most out of it
Technologically - research and build to your way to intellectual superiority
Politically - Rise you leaders through the ranks and claim the Empire through the Senate
So I'm looking for feedback as to what makes a good war game. Does detail and length of time it takes to win, make it any more enriching?
It seems as though I have to complete this monster rulebook in order to revise, improve and eventually complete the game.
The Jinx 13
I am also working on a game that has similar elements (it must be Toronto), but with a modern theme. I have a document that I call Raw Game Ideas which I continually add to and edit whenever ideas strike me. Later on I go through it and see the ideas that are great and the ones that are terrible.
I find that it is difficult to determine what level of abstraction you want to go for if the game is not going to be a simulation. I've got so many ideas about what I want the game to contain that I've had a hard time getting things going in terms of concrete design. I corrected this situation by focusing on three things only, around which everything else will be added. They are a combat mechanic, rules for moving, and rules for building. This may sound like a lot but it isn't in the manner in which I am going about it. Don't think Build from War in Europe, think Build from a game like Risk. I've got a combat mechanic that I really like and basic ideas about how moving will work. In order to make the game playable so that I can test the combat mechanics, I decided to base building on the Risk mechanic until I get the other stuff sorted out. So for now, a player gets to build x number of units for every territory that they hold. Once I am happy with these original elements, I'm going to add/integrate a more complex build, and then an economic element, and then a diplomatic/political element, etc. until I have it finished. It's slow going though.
I think that I got a little off topic, but I hope this helps someone.