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RTS Board Game

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Joined: 07/21/2008

Starcraft, the Real Time Strategy PC game, uses resource gathering and tech trees to lead to differing game positions, which players pit against their opponents. In general the players start out about the same, with the same options and the same resources available to them. Strategic decisions are made and different paths up different tech trees are taken.

If anyone has any thoughts on representing this dynamic in a board game, please feel free to expound. It

Joined: 04/23/2013
RTS Board Game

Oddly enough, a board game version of Warcraft is in the works.. I

RTS Board Game

I was gutted when I saw that Fantasy Flight had bought the rights to do the Warcraft boardgame. I have two fully fledged Warcraft boardgames (one of them dating back three years) in my big-book-of-game-designs and every few months I

RTS Board Game

Interesting enough, my (would have been) entry into the contest was a RTS like boardgame. I used the budgeted action points mechanic where players had to make the best use of limited actions and choose between battling, gathering more resources, upgrading tech, etc. I also made cards and abilities which disrupted normal play and thus created the illusion of everyone being involved all the time even though players took turns.

Joined: 06/22/2010
RTS Board Game


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