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Transparent Cards on a Board

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I am glad to be back, I have been pretty busy lately.

I was thinking about using cards with transparency (Kind of like Gloom), as a way of putting shapes on by board. This way I can shuffle the cards, and they can overlap each other. However this creates the problem of how much information I can put on the cards, I don't want text to overlap on other text, so I need to put everything on the opaque shape. I am also worried that it would become too messy to take cards off the board once, they have other cards on top of it.

Has anyone here tried something like this?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Transparent Cards on a Board

You should look at that WotC game Hecatomb.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Transparent Cards on a Board

Interesting concept. I just looked at Hecatomb (hadn't seen it before now). There's also several companies marketing transparent playing cards. I know bicycle has a nice set, though I couldn't find images of them through google, though here's an equally nice example.

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