This weekend we had the August test session (We play a lot of games during those sessions and some of those are prototypes). This session started 09.30 and ended 22.30 (1 hour lunch break). (Then we moved Sands of time to Sunday and had a 4 hour session that day too).
None of my game was up this time since my computer breakdown (It will take me between 1-3 weeks before I get it back (I already been out of working tool for 2 weeks and I have abstinence).
There were only two prototype games that we tested, Both games are classics in this forum and have been discussed before.
High Council of Evensford. Game designer is Geminiweb.
Sands of Time. Game designer is JWarrend.
I will start with High Council... and give the comments on Sands of time later this week (probably Wednesday or Thursday). I'm still waiting for comments from one of the player on that game.
// Johan
High Council of Evensford is a game where the players together building up a city. We have seen the same type (style) of game before in Puerto Rico and San José. Still the game is a unique game with an own twist.
The winner is the player that first gets 16 points (or whatever limit you set). You get points for building some building and claiming areas (you have most buildings in an area). Buildings are represented on a gameboard. For some (most of the) buildings you also receive a bonus (as a special rule that apply to you).
To get a building you need build (can wait several turns before the building is ready). To build you need gold. Gold are represented by production cards. To be able to use a production card you must archived the technology level for the card. You get technology levels by collecting resource cards. In the deck of resource cards you also have events.
We were 6 players and one game took 3 hours (including setup and describing the rules). All players where within 4 points when the game ended (no player was left behind and we did not have a run away leader.
I can see that there are publishers that are interested in this game. It is a good basic game. I will concentrate on the problems that we had.
The graphics or the game component design has to be updated. I know that this will be redesigned when a publisher gets the game, but this was too messy even for a prototype. This deducts a lot from the feeling of the game.
Instead of having a big gameboard you could have tiles with the different buildings. As a part of the set-up, build the areas. With this you will have a different game each time you play. You also can have more expansion options and does not have the game board problem (more gameboards with more players).
Some of the buildings were very strong. I had library, university and the production center. I did pick 3 cards for free each turn. Combined with the points you get for the buildings, those building were game winner (I did not win but that has other explanations).
We both had leader bashing and King making in our game. I was on my way to win. First I got a fire on my library and got a block on building. After that all cards was reshuffled and I got the resource block and the building block once more (the turns after each other). Another player did win in that turn and the player that blocked me the second time did know that either would I or the player after me win.
We were 6 players and there was too much down time. Actually we all agreed on that this game should be a max limit on 4 players or you have to speed up the game (the time when you can do an action).
There was too little difference between the technologies. The technologies should be more different and you should be able to specialize. Right now it felt like it did not matter what technology you expanded on (as long you get your levels).
I hope this helped.
// Johan