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Mi Gato goes again

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Third playtesting of Mi Gato se Incendia and all is getting better with the world. Or at least with this game.

For the first time ever Mi Gato expired due to severe heat. That makes 10 games with one ending in the end of Mi Gato.

This game was actually a pretty intense one with all three players ending up with Net's and the ability to capture Mi Gato. The failure cards were coming fast and furious.

The new rules and the new cards seem to be working quite well. I don't feel that any modification of the mechanics is necessary at this point. I have some work to do on the look and feel of the game, but the play is solid and fun. Our play time is still around 25 - 30 minutes a game, which is right where I want it to be. Our four player game lasted a tad longer.

I've put up some draft cards at

I feel I'm getting a lot closer to releasing this beastie into the wild. However I've got to redesign the game board and get something other than clip-art for the cards and board.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Mi Gato goes again

Hey Ben, would you please just keep extending one thread about your game, rather than creating a new one for every update? People will follow along and folks new to the topic will have the whole history there above it, without having to search for previous threads on the topic.

-- Matthew

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