I'm making a customised version of le Jeu de l'Oie (aka Royal Goose, somewhat similar to Snakes & Ladders). Anyone got a PostScript skeleton code that I could tinker with?
Anyone got PostScript code for Jeu de l'Oie?
I know you're creating a computerized version of a board game, so you're somewhat on topic, but keep in mind we deal in games in the traditional sense; I.E. boards, tokens, dice, cards, etc.
Someone might be able to help you as a lot of our users are programmers, but I'm not sure you're going to have that much success with your query.
I have no idea where you could find a postscript or vector file with the board, but if you google for images of "Royal Goose", "Jeu de l'Oie" or "juego de la oca" you'll finde plenty of images of boards you can use as a refference for a new drawing.
The vintage ones are quite lovely, IMHO. This one in particular is great.
Look formedium or large images to get enough resolution to see the images on each square.
Is something like this you want? I draw it in Corel in about 5 minutes. If you want something similar but different (more/less squares, another shape, different spacing, etc.) maybe I can draw it for you based on a text description. Designers are easier to program than PS printers. ;-)
I can't give you the PS code, though, except the one produced by printing to a PS file or a PDF, and I doubt it will be anything like what you're looking for.
Just let me know if I can help you with this.

Yup, its exactly that; board game a l'ancienne, printed on paper and pasted on board. PostScript just makes the original image.