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Backing material

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I've tried using black sheets of paper for backing a board, but it isn't hard wearing enough, particlarly splash proof so I want to try some coated material like buckram, but I can't find anywhere that sells it in small (1m^2) amounts. Everywhere I've asked wants to sell me 100m of the stuff!

Anyone in the UK know where I might look?

Backing material

There are sources online that sell a variety of cover material suitable for turned edge applications (like board binding or backing).

Cover Material Sales Inc. \ has a large variety available. A quick call confirms that their minimum order for any item is a 5 yard length (which will make anywhere from 10-16 or more boards depending on board size).

I have seen book cloth in art stores in sizes large enough for a game board, but they are prohibitively expensive ($15-18 per square meter, approx). For the price, you'd be better off going with one of the larger suppliers and getting more than you need and stocking up for future products.

Best of luck!

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Backing material

I made a really nice board for a first attempt by getting an art board covered in canvas and then spray painting it black. I botched the job in the end by setting it down on something before the paint dried, but it looked perfect.

The ones made out of wood are expensive, but the ones made out of particle board are really inexpensive.

For non-folding boards, that's definitely the way to go. I'm pretty convinced that for bi-fold boards, it's probably also a great way to go if you have a circular saw or something to cut the board.

Backing material

Thanks for the pointers, but I think it is going to be prohibativly expensive to get stuff shipped to the UK from the US.

There is someone selling sheets (slightly larger than A1) of buckram and other materials on ebay. He is based in Scotland so I'm hoping to win one of his auctions for <£5, although it could get silly waiting for an auction if I want more sheets.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Backing material

A search for: bookbinding materials UK in Google returns several links to websites from companies in the UK that might be useful for you:


Backing material

If you still need some backing material, I have a limited supply that I would be willing to sell to you at a reasonable price. PM me if you're interested.

Backing material

that is a conicidence haven't been on here for months and now I do there is a reply to my post :)

thanks, but I've found a supplier, works out about £7 for a A1+ sheet of buckram so I got 3 to make some prototypes

Joined: 12/31/1969
Backing material

Bengalmin i'm in a similar situation to you, could you PM the details of your supplier?

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