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Laminating Cards With Holes

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Joined: 12/31/1969

The stratagy game I am working on right now requires that parts of my cards need to be transparent. I have been thinking of cutting square holes out of my cards where I wan't to see through them, and then laminate all of my cards. Does this sound like a practical plan?

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Laminating Cards With Holes

There is always the "hecatomb" solution, plastic cards with some parts transparent.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Laminating Cards With Holes

Larienna wrote:
There is always the "hecatomb" solution, plastic cards with some parts transparent.
perhaps for production version but for prototypes plastic cards would be expensive

Joined: 12/31/1969
Laminating Cards With Holes

Larienna wrote:
There is always the "hecatomb" solution, plastic cards with some parts transparent.

Hmm, I just looked up Hecatomb, it looks like an interesting game.

Anyway I was thinking of using transparency, except I don't know how to print anything onto transparency.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Laminating Cards With Holes

Usually silk screen is the solution for printing on a transparent surface.

Joined: 09/06/2011
Laminating Cards With Holes

You can get OHT (overhead transparancy) film that you can photocopy / laser print onto. Not sure if it works with ink jet printing.

The printing on them can be quite delicate and the film filmsy, but if you printed on one then spray glued it to a second before cutting out the cards you could end up with good looking sturdy cards.

You could B&W print and then fill in outlines with OHT pens for a prototype and then colour laser print for a more finished output.

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