For my card game, I've got about 450 unique cards. I keep the data for them in a .csv file (like an excel spreadsheet), and I have a simple php web page that generates a 3x3 grid of cards to print out. This allows me to change a stylesheet when I want to change how a card looks (add an icon, change the font), rather than modify 450 cards individually.
My problem is that using this method, I can really only print somewhat smallish cards. I cannot get my printer to do a full page from a web site. I was hoping to move up to standard playing card sizes for my next prototype for playtesting. Is there some piece of software that will take a datafile (any format really, even out of a database or otherwise) full of variables (name, hit points, flavor text, etc), and 'pretty it up' to look like a playing card, so I can print 9 on a sheet?
Edit: One of the varaibles is a filename for an image to be loaded. I'm not sure if that affects your response. Also, I have no problems altering the data to be in a different format, or even changing the artwork to be in a different format. I'd much rather make sweeping large scale changes than have to do 450 cards by hand.