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Shameless Plug: The Game & Toy Manufacturer's Guide

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Joined: 12/31/1969

GTM Guide: 2,000+ pages, 35,000+ listings: Game & Toy BUYERS

Nearly ten years ago I (Ali Summers) started at WarGames West (A Hobby Game Distributor), and I have been working with Toys and Games ever since. A former Director of Sales and Marketing as well as sales & marketing consultant, my particular specialty in the industry is New Customer Acquisition at the wholesale level. In other words, I’ve spent a decade seeking out stores and buyers. The GTM Guide was born after a seminar I taught at GTS (GAMA-Game Manufacturer’s Association- Trade Show). I realized that Sales and Marketing staff continually have to repeat the same work to reach buyers. We retrace each other’s steps. Someone needed to collate and verify all the information that is available. That someone is me (and an army of great people who are on the phone verifying information and collating data). We’ve already made thousands of phone calls, and over the next three months, we are making 100,000 more- verifying every piece of data that we are including.

With 2,000+ pages over 35,000 listings, The Game & Toy Manufacturer's Guide is the resource for Manufacturers who need to know where (and how!) to market and sell games and toys. Order your copy now from our website: Save 75% by ordering now! The full price of the guide is $399.99, but prepaid orders before April 15th are 99.95 (+ 19.95 Shipping/Handling).

The Guide Includes:

A listing is company name, address, phone number, fax number, buyer, buyer’s e-mail (with buyer’s permission), and data about size, lines, carried, and what they are looking for. Most important: information about how the buyer at each location wants to receive information from manufacturers. Additional data is available within certain categories.

* Major Buyer Listings-- Specialty Chain Store Listings, Specialty Catalog Listings, Mass Market Chain Listings, including Department Stores, Distributor Listings, Other Major Buyers (Such as AAFES, QVC, etc.),Internet Retailers
* Store Lists-- Those independent retailers within these categories who carry games and toys: Games Stores, Toy Stores, Model & Hobby Stores, Children's Museum Stores, Art Museum Shops, Travel Stores, Gift Stores & Galleries, Education Stores (Including Educational & School Supplies), Skate Shops, Comic Book Stores, Baby/Infant Gift, Kaleidoscope, Kite, and Puzzle Retailers, Dolls and Doll House Shops, Souvenir Shops, Book Stores, Novelty Retailers, Hospital Gift Stores, New Age Retailers, and more
* Domestic Trade Shows: The full listings for over 400 shows, both consumer and trade only, include attendee levels, cost analysis (show and expense costs), union regulations, how to register, and the demographic breakdown of attendees. For the top 25 shows in the country, we are including a service guide for exhibitors.
* Affiliates and Suppliers for the Trade: Printers, Component Manufacturers, Fulfillment Centers, Patent Attorneys, Designers—Game and Toy, Artist Listings, Designers—Packaging, Outsourcing Agents, Licensing Agents, Consultants
* Resources for the trade: Publications, Press and Media Contacts, Associations, Forums & On-Line Resources, Awards & Industry Recognition
* Critical information: Trademark Registration information, UPC Code and ISBN Information, Standard pallet, box and packaging information, Consumer Product Labeling- Child Safety Protection Act***
* Important Details: Funding & Capitalization (Angels, Grants & Incentive Programs), General Guidelines for pricing & discounts, Business Planning***, Creating and Implementing A Marketing Plan, Public Relations Made Simple, Costing, Bidding Out Manufacturing***, Choosing a Business Structure***, Taxation***, Elements of Design***, Website Basics for Manufacturers, Strategic Partnerships, Marketing Toys & Games as Promotional Materials, A Full Glossary of terms

Introduction by Dr. Toy! * Frontpiece by John Kovalic! * No Advertisements! * No Paid Listings

Joined: 04/23/2013
Shameless Plug: The Game & Toy Manufacturer's Guide


What a great resource for the self publisher or small publishing company (or large for that matter). Will you be updating this yearly?


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