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Is there anyone who wants to pool manufacturing resources?

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slam's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

Hi there.

I'm looking into producing a set of games right now, which would have me buying some bits and pieces. If there's anyone else who wants to buy from the same vendors, we may be able to talk the costs down.

For example, I inquired to in India (most of the playing card manufacturers seem to be located in India. Damn globalization) and found out that the minimum run for a game would be 2,000, but if I had two games, it would be 1,500 per game. I'm seeing if a one-color print is less, but for full color cards, the price I was quoted was $1.30 per deck for a 50 card deck, and $2.18 per deck for a 80 card deck plus .15 per deck for shipping. So, if anyone wants to produced a professionally produced card game with packaging, let me know.

Another vendor I want to buy from is Plastics for Games at This is an English company which sells the sailboats that I need for a game.

I'm located in Boston, MA, so if anyone near there is interested, the shipping costs are lowered.

Anyway, let me know if you are interested.

-Greg Lam
Pair-of-Dice Games

Joined: 12/31/1969
Is there anyone who wants to pool manufacturing resources?

I'm not looking for anything but I did want to note that I've had truly excellent experiences with Plastics For Games. The people there were all incredibly nice and helpful, and it was great to learn that the per-piece prices weren't also per-color. That is if you order from the small quantities pages and you want, say, 500 pawns at the 500 pawn price you could get 50 of each in 10 colors at that price (not paying the 50 quantity price). Two great experiences.

The shipping was, of course, a bear though, so here's your big chance to work together with someone on reducing it. You'd save a ton in shipping even if you simply all split the cost of shipping from the UK to Boston and then Boston to wherever the other people are.

slam's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Is there anyone who wants to pool manufacturing resources?

That's good to hear fastlearner. I was wondering about that very issue.

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