what is GDW?
Fri, 07/08/2005 - 10:43
Fri, 07/08/2005 - 13:56
what is GDW?
That's correct. If you'd like to get one of your designs into the workshop, start replying to other people's submissions with suggestions and thoughts. After a bit, send a message to moderator JWarrend here and ask to be put on the schedule.
It's a "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine" system, where it's important that everyone wanting feedback be providing feedback on other people's games or the system will likely collapse.
This post, "sticky" at the top of the Game Design Workshop forum, explains it much better:
-- Matthew
I'm a new user here, as well, but I'm assuming it's a reference to the Game Designer's Workshop forum, where folks tinker away at their designs and concepts via the forum.