I have several card games prototyped which I'll be taking with me to showcase at GenCon 2005 to some prospective publishers with whom I have some appointments set up. However, if these meetings fall through and my concepts are not picked up, I'm considering self-publishing at least 1, and possibly 2 of the titles, using a variant of GMT's P500 format.
So, I'm looking to start educating myself about publishing costs, expectations, and what I information I need to provide to publishers to get reliable, accurate quotes.
For example, I know how many cards I'll have (both games I'm looking to self publish are 110 cards, but could be nudges +/- a few cards to meet publisher efficiency parameters based on their printing setup), length of a rule sheet, etc.
But would the same publisher that's printing the cards also print the box and assemble the game? Will having multiple card backs (color/design) impact pricing, or with today's color printing technology, is that no longer as significant a factor? Will printers generally take the time to help create a "buffet" style quote, so I can pick and choose options (card finish, tuck box vs. standard box, different print quantities).
Any help this community could provide, in terms of contacts with any publishers you've dealt with, established a favorable rapport with, or just some of your experiences working with card publication, will be greatly appreciated.
- ynnen
Hmmm... Maybe I've been using the feature incorrectly... Whenever I entered "printing costs" no results are returned, regardless of the search fields selected... And for "cards" only a handful of results came back, even though I can see dozens of threads with the word in the title.
Am I missing something? I posted this request for assistance after trying the search feature, since I couldn't find what I was looking for through that feature... Hmmm...