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European Fulfillment Companies -?

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/31/1969

Hi All,

Does anyone know of any fulfillment companies in Europe specifically dealing with board games? I managed to find several in the US, but not a single one in Europe :(


pelpo's picture
Joined: 05/26/2009
European Fulfillment Companies -?

I'm not a native english speaker, could someone explain what a fulfillment company is?


VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
European Fulfillment Companies -?

These types of companies act as "middle men" between a publisher and the bigger distributors. They generally warehouse your product and try to sell it to distributors for you. They are useful if you do not have a warehouse and an active sales team. But they can get pretty expensive and can take up to 20% of the wholesale price of the product for their service, plus some have a signup fee. And most do not guarantee any results from their services.

Joined: 12/31/1969
European Fulfillment Companies -?

True, they are expensive in themselves... but when you are trying to penetrate a market where you are not based in, there are suprisingly some cost benefits. This is no thanks to the rising oil prices which have made fulfilling small orders overseas prohibitively expensive (due to the shipping costs).

Furthermore, having a fulfillment company near your target market also means you have shorter delivery times- which means being able to provide better customer service.

I personally feel that at the end of the day whether its worthwhile or not to engage a fulfillment company really depends on the volume of orders that you are able to procure.

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