So many things to do and so little time. To start a company, get a product range and have a launch ready in two month (just one left) is a lot of work. At the same time try to plan the games for the autumn, sign and write contracts and plan test sessions just take all my time. All this and also having a full time job and a family, I don’t have time to sleep this month. Right now everything is happening at the speed that are planned (I still not have delays, but the panic will come).
Things that I found as the hardest thing is the economic. Specially compensation to game designers, for art and to other people that I work with. What is a fair deal? This is like balancing a thin line. I need to make money on this so I can afford to continue, but I also want the people involved in the work to get there shares.
Another thing that is difficult is all taxes. Tax law is difficult to understand.
I don’t own Gottick. I own a company called Johann Game Design. I don’t have any home page yet and I will launch my games under the Gottick logo. Gottick are three different game design groups, that have joined.
Our first launch (with the start of the company and the group) will be the 3-June. We have 5 games in the Small print line (50 games of each). You can find the games at http://www.gottick.com/gott.html. This page is not ready yet (under construction). My own games are Feeeeed Meeeee and Devil's Deeds. Devil's Deeds and Happy landing will only have Swedish rules at the launch, but in august they will come in an English version. R.A.F has also German version in the plan.
The price is in Swedish crowns (SEK) and $1 is around 7.50 SEK.
There are more games are to come. I know that this is just the start. This autumn (August/September) I will launch several games... here is my planned list (the other design groups will also add several games later), but is can be changed (I expect that one or two games can be rescheduled in the end).
- Darebase: Created by Matt (Bryk), I have the honor to publish this great game and I hope that we can do it justice. We will do new graphic for the game, otherwise will the game be intact.
- Pirates and Cannibals: (The name will be changed). This is a card game where you have to fight savage cannibals, but then decide who of your mates you will eat (you still need food). The game is designed by Toby (Nestalawe) and the artwork is done by (OutsideLimit) (hope I got that right Toby).
- Dragon Attack: A card game where you will take the role of a dragon and will try to get famous. The artwork is done by Peter (gpetersz).
- YARG: (Yet another racing game). A different racing game, where you try to block the other players from doing anything. You also rebuilding (changing) the game board during the game.
In the pipeline there are several games. In mid October launch I have planed at least 4 games. I also hope for a full game production (1000-2000 copies) of at least one of the games.
// Johan
Thanks for the kind words. I will need every “good luck” I can get. This is a high risk project and several of times per day I doubt that I will get back the money I have invested (at least it will not be a catastrophe if I loose them). The best thing is that I have given this a try (not just dreamed about it).
As an answer to a direct question: I will not accept submissions. I don’t have the possibility to handle them. Maybe in the future, when we started the full size of this operation (I think that will take around 1.5 years).
If you want to get hold of some of the games you have to go to Sweden ;). We have a couple of distributors that are interested (for both Sweden and Europe) and we are planning a web store in the autumn, but right now no contract is signed yet so I cant say where you can buy the games. If you are interested and can’t wait, drop a mail to johanforsell@hotmail.com and I will make this possible to get a copy.
// Johan
P.S. If you planning to start something like this, believe people when they say that the most difficult thing is to find boxes for the game. That is a jungle and very expensive.