This post does not focus on a specific question, I just want the opinion of everybody about variety in games. Now What do I mean by variety?
For example, Chess is the game that on my point of view lack of variety. Why?, all players always have the same pieces, that always start at the same place all the time. The only thing tha make each game unique is that the combination of moves played by both players will never be the same.
Another example is Axis and Allies, or Bells of War. Since it is a world war 2 simulation, the countires which oppose each other will always be the same and the strategies at the begginning of the game will be chosen from a limited number of possibilities.
On the other hand, settlers of catan is a game with variety. The maps is always different, the ressource levels are different and the starting position are different. This is why the game is always fun to play even 3 times in a row.
You can always test the lack of variety in settlers by using always the same map ( the one in the instruction book ) but still select the settlement placement. Play the game many time in a row, and check if you like it.
The lack of variety in games makes people analyse the game in greater details by caculating many possibilities. For example, the oppening books in chess. I know that some people would like to find the optimal pattern to invade USSR, for example.
I have played chess many time in the past, now I have few interest in this game. I think one of the many reason is the lack of variety. Being able to customise an army or having different board shapes would probably incide me to play chess ( I have tile chess and I have heard about nightmare chess ).
What do you think?
Do you like games that lack of variety?
Can you find a replay value in these kind of games?
Do you like designing games that lack of variety or do you make sure that there is always variety?
Maybe adding variety as an optional rule could be a good solution?
Do you consider the lack of variety to be a bug in game design?
No, this is simply a random game.
- Varied setup is a solution but not necesarily THE solution.
- Random influence has nothing to do with variety. A completely deterministic game can have variety.
I don't know what is ASL, but since you are speaking of scenarios, playing different scenario each time indicates that there is variety. Of course, if you do not want the play the same scenario twice, you will need a large supplies of scenarios. Having only 1 possible scenario would mean lack of variety.
For example, chess only have 1 scenario :
- the pieces are placed at the same location
- the army composition is the same
- the objectives of the game are the same ( capture the king )
- the terrain is always the same (8x8 board)
To create variety in chess, you could for example :
- Make a different army setup
- change the shape of the board ( triangle, hexagon, etc)
- change the goal : capture the king and queen, or move one of your pieces in a specific region of the board.
- new rules: pawn can now move in any direction.
Variety does not necesarily mean randomness. Sure, using random elements can be a tool to create variety. Variety can be introduced by:
- Player decision : For example, the player customize an army has he wishes. Or players agree each other to play on a triangular board instead of square one.
- Game decision : A scenario clearly indicate what are the troops of each player and what is the terrain configuration. It also indicated the objectives of the game for each player.
- Random decision : for example, A scenario goal is determined randomly . Or some event, like weather, influence the rest of the game. The map is generated randomly (ex: settlers of catan).
The target elements that can be affected by variety can be the following(there might be other ones too):
- Game setup : Unit and map setup at the beginning of the game.
- Goals : Objectives are different. Or now takes more or less time.
- Rules : Some rules are removed or added for this game only.