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new tiles possibilities

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Joined: 04/23/2013

I quickly created this tile set:

With the above tileset, we can reduce the # of tiles down to eight. I know they are ugly, but it is extremely simple to implement... Basically the yellow background tiles are passageways and the grey background tiles are caves... I don't have time to post much more information but I think it speaks for itself... Any comments?


Joined: 12/31/1969
new tiles possibilities

Can a "Wall" touch an open space?

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: new tiles possibilities

Darkehorse wrote:
I quickly created this tile set:

I don't think we need passageways that are more than 1 tile wide, and especially not onest aht are 3 tiles wide... I think all the passageway tiles should look like the second and third from the left in the top row of your example, and there should be some that turn and fork.

With the cave ones, what about a corner piece, blocked on 2 adjacent sides? I think thatd be instead of "cavedeadend".

What was wrong with the tiles previously made? They looked really good.
Why can't that be our tileset? That particular set even colored the cave tiles so there's no confusion there. I just think there should be less debris on the floors, but other than that I really like thise tiles (better yet the later tiles that were those tiles, but grayscale.

- Seth

Joined: 04/23/2013

I did overlook the corner tiles, one for passages and caves would be nice. I agree the dead end tile for the caves isn't exactly necessary.

As for the first passageway tile, it is a intersection tile. I.E. you can build add tiles to each of it's edges, whether they be caves or another passageway. To prevent 'wide' passageways, we could just have a rule that states that you can not place an passage intersection tile next to another passage intersection tile.


As for walls touching open spaces I would have to initially say no. Later on we might change our minds.

As for Doho's and FL's previous tile sets, I am not saying there is anything wrong with either. They were both great. My only concern, especially with doho's was that there might be a lot of occasions where you were forced to play one tile over another simply because it was your only legal play. The tiles I created are just simpler; they are either cave or passageway, and they have one to four possible exits. I'm not saying I even prefer my tiles, again I am just offering a simpler alternative.


sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Re: Yes

Darkehorse wrote:
My only concern, especially with doho's was that there might be a lot of occasions where you were forced to play one tile over another simply because it was your only legal play. The tiles I created are just simpler; they are either cave or passageway, and they have one to four possible exits. I'm not saying I even prefer my tiles, again I am just offering a simpler alternative.

I'm not sure I see the difference. Aren't those other tiles also "either cave or passage, with 1 to 4 possible exits"?

Oh, I think I see what you mean- you're talking about the interface where a passage enters a cave- you want that to be able to occur anytime, not just when a passage tile "opens up" into a cave mouth. I agree with that sentiment- which just means the "cave mouth" needs to be shown on the cave tile, not the passage tile.

- Seth

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
new tiles possibilities

So, I've had a little time to update some things.

This includes a card set of Equipment and Items found. Items come in color sets which can be kept for VP at the end of the game, or turned in in the middle of the game to purchase equipment for the cost listed on the card. (expect for Tiki Gods, as no self-respecting store owner would take them). VP points escalate the more of a color set you have, and you can freely trade with other players during the game.

This includes are fairly full set of tiles and obstacle (Search) chits. There is a blue cave that needs to be built which is used as the start position. Also, By redoing the tiles, and including a full cave on one tile, there is no more need for junctions on the pathways anymore, which makes movement simpler (1AP to go from cave to path or path to cave).

There are also two colors of Search chits, RED for caves that are 3 segments or higher, and BROWN, for caves that are 1 or 2 segments.

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