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doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I was bored on a business trip, so I made some tiles..

Here's a few notes:
All cave areas are pink. Intersections are purple.

The "full tile set" I decided is unneeded, since we are only dealing with paths and caves. Having tile edges that are just rock limits their usefulness, and adds many tiles that are not useful at any given part of the game.

I have grouped them in three groups. Group 1 are tiles that increase the flow of the game. These are commonly done by have cave areas that always have a path leading to them, so as caves are completed, they become intersections to other paths.

Group 2 are tiles I would regard as being somewhat useful, but they do not lead to combining pathways.

Group 3 are tiles that reduce pathways.

My initial inclination would be to include many copies of Group 1 in the deck, few of Group 2, and none of Group 3.

I have included a full cave tile with a 'hole in the ground" for those who might want to start thinking about a deeper cave system underneath the base cave system. Using two or more "holes in the ground" can create a secondary cave system that can be used to create a shortcut to other sides of the main board.

Joined: 12/31/1969

Wow. I love were you are going with this. The hole in the ground idea have merit but I have a hard time seeing multiple set of tiles on a table with multiple entry points and whatnot.

Theses are great, I want to lick them!

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

Well done - Bravo!

As the expression goes they are very tasty.


Theses are great, I want to lick them!

It is just an expression Hpox :lol:

Joined: 12/31/1969

It's also pretty flexible. I wanted a huge cave and I got it!

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008

They look gorgeous. I'm not at all convinced about the "hole in the floor" stuff; although I admit that it would actually be not that hard to implement, I think that it might make the whole thing a little too complex to handle easily.
They're also a little "busy" for me (same problem I have with Hunters & Gatherers), but that shouldn't be seen as a criticism!

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

The 'hole in the floor' thing is something that I've borrowed from Iron Dragon, where there is a second underground railway system run by trolls. Basically, right now, I'm sort of imagining players will just simply build off the starting direction and keep going straight, with very interaction with the other players. So I wanted to create a Clue Secret Passage to get to other parts of the board.

Granted, I haven't worked out the details yet...

Joined: 12/31/1969

If there is only one hole tile, I think it could work without cluttering the "table" (playing area). Would the hole be a one-way passage to the second area? Or maybe you can use a rope to come back...

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

My tile set .pdf was never intended to be the 'full set', but more of a way for someone to start building a deck by using multiples that they wished. Like all of the Group 1 tile probably should have eat least 3 duplicates in the deck, and maybe some of the group2 should have 2 duplicates.

My original thinking on the hole was that there would be another set of chits set up in pairs with letters A,B,C,D, etc. When playing a hole, you put one of a set of letters on the hole, and start a new cave system with an independant tile, and put the other matching letter on that tile, indicating that, if you had the ropes, you could move up and down between these two levels. There would be a second level ONLY, so all hole tiles go on the main board, and all future sub level plays would have to be built off the sub level cave system. Since the pathways wouldn't have to match orthogonically (sp?) to the main level, you could create a some interesting shortcuts between places on the main level.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008

Oh there are lots of fairly easy ways to implement the "sub-cave" system; I just don't think we want to be thinking about introducing something like that until we're happy with the rest of the game!
(It's the same reason I'm happy holding off on the "advanced" Event card types until we've sorted out the basic set-up...)

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

I agree about the sub-cave part being more of an advanced rule thing. I was just explaining why it's there, so people can experiment with it.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

If the Hole in the Floor is to wor at all, I would think it would have to be as follows:

Rather than starting a new cave system, or linking the holes to particular tiles at all... simply pay X APs to traverse straight from one hole to another. Like a passage from hole to hole.

I think that accomplishes the Clue Secret Passage hing that someone mentioned, and I think it's the easiest to impliment. If there's only like 2 or 3 Hole tiles to begin with, then it's not like people will be teleporting all over the board or anything.

Thematically it's literally a hole in the ground, maybe a cramped passage, that emerges at the other hole. Maybe it runs right along below the cave system, maybe it goes real deep and comes back up. Maybe it snakes around. Doesn't really matter, it's just a hallway from point A to point B and back.

- Seth

P.S. Shoulder is feeling a little better. I have an exam Saturday. I'll be back eventually, but not in full force for a while.

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008

sedjtroll wrote:

Rather than starting a new cave system, or linking the holes to particular tiles at all... simply pay X APs to traverse straight from one hole to another. Like a passage from hole to hole.

Perfect. I think you'd have to rule that an explorer can't come up in a cave that is already full, but that wouldn't be too complicated.

P.S. Shoulder is feeling a little better. I have an exam Saturday. I'll be back eventually, but not in full force for a while.

Glad to hear you're recovering well.

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