I am a bit of a lurker here, but I have a question for folks regarding the design of money in games.
It seems there are three ways to differentiate currencies: color, size and numbers.
My question is this. When creating token based money (circle cut outs) is it ok to just use size and numbers but not colors. I need 4 size tokens (1, 5, 10, 100). But I don't want to try and color them different. Is size, combined with the text on the coin sufficient for players to quickly identify which coin is of a specific value?
So I originally had bronze, silver and gold. Though they are actually representing dollars (not some fantasy type game money). So $1 was bronze etc. But I need to add $5 and I was like what color would it be? And this all got me thinking, why is $1 bronze? It doesn't make sense but it does provide an additional que for the player (which I like of course).
As you said, once I add a fourth value what color do I add and does it really add value at that point. After all bronze and gold are very similar.
To answer the other question. I moving out of prototype form and designing the real deal (no more poker chips).