So after a recent playtest I am seeking some inspiration in regards to co op games to better simplify and streamline the game.
I have played
Sentinals of the multiverse
One deck dungeon
Imperial assault
Elder sign
Super dungeon explore
These all have co op themes but I am looking for a broader spectrum to get more ideas.
The co op was fine the problem lied in combat with the following issues
To much information to track for players
A lot of info for players to digest
Difficulty curve very hard a the start and eases off and is then easy.
Game needs a game master to run game and remind people of stuff
To geared towards players with familiarity with card games
To much number variance.
These were the issues brought up in my game players roll dice to determine damage and defend usually 2 dice. I am looking for ways to improve h gameplay and possibly cut down on components hence wanting to look into other co op games.