This is relating to a video game I am currently working on, but I feel like this forum is a good place for this question. In the game players are able to construct custom guns from parts they find in the world. Each gun is made up by an ammo type, a barrel, and a stock. Each ammo type has a base set of stats and a list of barrels and stocks it is compatible with. The barrels and stocks modify the ammo type's base stats.
My question is, when balancing this should I attempt to eliminate bad guns as well as thematically ridiculous and over powered guns, or should I only eliminate the thematically ridiculous and over powered guns and leave it up to the player to avoid the bad guns?
Each part has a pro and a con and the idea has been to maximize the number of guns with distinguishably unique styles that can still be effective in the right situation. During this process, however, I got it in my head that every possible gun should be effective in some situation, so that meant trying to eliminate some combinations which seemed to be suboptimal in all situations. But then I began to think that perhaps that approach is too restrictive and I should allow sub optimal guns to exist to give the player more satisfaction out of building an effective gun.
As for the seemingly arbitrary part choices, the game is supposed to be sorta simplistic and silly. For instance, the player is able to construct a Gatling Laser arm.