I had an idea for a space-based game a while back that had an element of commodity trading. This game then took off in a completely different direction, and the the commodity trading had to go.
But I still think some fun things could be done with space commodity trading, so I'm re-examining the idea for a different game.
There are three basic commodities. You want to buy low and sell high. They have a sort of rock-paper-scissors profit thing between three main types of worlds.
Core (low food, med ore, high goods)
Industrial (low goods, med food, high ore)
Frontier (low ore, med goods, high food)
Ideally, you want to take food to the frontier mining colonies, then take the ore to the industrial worlds, then take the finished goods to the populated core worlds.
But I'm not sure what really makes sense as far as pricing.
I originally started with:
Food: 1-2-3
Ore: 4-6-8
Goods: 10-15-20
But then realized if I was to have special events that make the prices fluctuate, I'd better make food start at 2, not 1, or there's no room for it to go down, and by extension, all the other items need to change as well. So I ended up with this:
Food 2-4-6 (+/- 1)
Ore: 5-9-12 (+/- 2)
Goods: 10-15-20 (+/- 4)
But this seems to lead to other problems.
1) How much sense does it make for a mining colony to buy 1 food for $6, only to turn that around into selling 1 ore for $5. How do the people there manage to survive on that kind of economics? Or maybe they eat 1 food and it's enough to turn 3 ore, or something.
2) Notice that the % of profit is higher on the low cost items, but the actual profit is higher on the high cost items. I don't know if that's a good idea or not.
Maybe there's another way to represent price flux, such as buy-1-get-1-free kind of deals.
So maybe something like this:
Food: 1-2-3
Ore: 3-6-8
Goods: 8-12-16
low flux: get an extra item free when buying load / don't get paid for 1 item when selling
high flux: must pay the cost an extra item when buying load / get the price of an extra item when selling
Ok, this does some interesting things:
1) When selling and buying ideal commodities (at normal prices) you don't have to manipulate any money, you can just exchange the tokens as they are the same price.
2) It makes large volume shipments more resistant to price flux, as the extra money is applied once per transaction. I don't know if this is good or bad. Maybe it's better to apply the cost after every 3rd item, or something.
Is there benefit to try and keep prices tied to simpler denominations of money, to make the math easier? Or does doing so make the values so large, it erases the benefit?
Are there some other economics 101 factors that could be worked in that I'm forgetting?
I already have an idea in mind to make prices react to someone dealing in large quantities.
1) (simpler) If a player buys/sells 8 or more of the same item then that planet refuses to deal in that good for a time.
2) (complex) instead of refusing to trade, the price raises or lowers to the next price point.
And these would be one way to mess with other players' plans.