I have an idea for a game (set collection, press-your-luck, filler) but I'm trying to decide if dice are more suitable or cards. I'm not exactly sure about the theme yet but let's say there is a planet and players are trying to extract natural resources from it by blasting. There are four separate "resource" piles (A, B, C, D) of cards face down on the planet.
Idea #1 (more luck)
Each resource pile has one die associated it with. Each die has X, X, 1, 1, 2, 3 on it. X's mean nothing happens. When you roll a number, you flip that many cards up from the corresponding pile. For example, someone would roll the four dice and X, X, 1, & 2 is the result. You flip over one card from pile A and two cards from pile B. Pile C & D are ignored. The cards themselves have certain natural resources on them and you would get points for collecting sets (maybe some cards would be negative). On a turn, players could roll OR collect resources that have been revealed. Not sure exact structure of round but there would be pressure to grab stuff before others and before pile(s) run out.
Idea #2 (less luck)
Instead of dice, players have cards that determine how many resources are revealed from the four piles. I have two different card-play ideas in mind. First, players would have a face down pile of cards in front of them and during a turn, a player would flip one over to see what cards are revealed from the pile(s). For example, a player would flip over his card and the card would say to flip over three cards from pile B and none from the others. Like the dice format, they could either play a card or take from available resources already revealed. Second, instead of flipping cards in front of them, the cards would be in their hand and they would get to choose which ones to play. I suppose this could be a "more strategic" variant than the first idea.
I haven't worked out a complete scoring system yet but what I have in mind is collecting sets across each pile. For instance, you need four items, one from each pile to complete a full set for maximum points. You'll still get points for partial sets but the points get higher the more you get, e.g., 1, 3, 6, 10.
In fact, if you have some scoring ideas, I'd be interested in that too.