Hello, second post here. I am looking for feedback on this lateral combat system!
I am making a game where the players each line up 6 creature cards side by side. During the game, at any time, only two creature cards will be facing up (active) and the remaining are face down or knocked out, like so (o=active creatures, x=knocked out creatures, blank space=face down cards):
[ ] [ ] [o] [ ] [o] [x]
[o] [ ] [ ] [x] [o] [ ]
Each creature card has a special passive or aggressive ability (using the aggressive foregos moving/attacking that turn). On a turn the creature can choose to move, attack, or use their special ability which all result in exhausting that creature for that turn.
Currently how combat works is that the creatures accuracy is based on where their target is and any passive accuracy traits or inaccuracy traits they may have.
For example, a brute creature has the most HP and a special passive but he is traited for -2 accuracy.
By default if the target is directly in front of the creature such as,
their accuracy is 10/12 (rolling a 10 or lower results in a hit) before any traits (so a brute would have 8/12 chance).
If the target is one space over from the creature such as,
[ ][o]
their accuracy is 6/12 (rolling 6 or lower results in a hit) before any traits (so a brute would have 4/12 chance).
and finally, if the target is two spaces over from the creature such as,
[ ][ ][o]
their accuracy is 2/12 (rolling 2 or lower results in a hit) before any traits (so a brute would have 0/12 chance).
Any target farther than 2 spaces away from an attacking creature is untargetable for combat.
Now as stated above these can be increased or decreased based on the creatures traits.
In addition, each turn a player receives a token. This token can be used to heal creatures, activate non creature abilities, or for each token spent give a target creature 2 accuracy for only that turn (so you could spend 3 tokens on a turn and give a creature 6 more accuracy for his combat)
Basically, you can take the gamble without tokens (saving up for other token cost actions) or ensure perfect accuracy from afar with enough tokens.
Any suggestions to improve or expand this combat mechanic? Thanks!
Currently, I am using a D12 to keep the 3/36 odds at each level. The only issue I have is that I like the 2d6 because of the 7s/matching numbers triggering special ability effects but not the skewed odds.
Perhaps odd/even triggers or something different.