So I have had this idea floating around in my head for a while, and I just can't seem to pin down how to do it. The 18 card microgame contest is on BGG right now, and I'd like to create a submission using this mechanic, but I need some help from the folks on these forums.
The idea for the mechanic is that the hero card would have a hole punched in it (maybe two). When you encounter an enemy card, you place your hero card on top of it, lined up with a certain mark on the enemy card. The value(s) showing through the hole(s) determine the outcome of the encounter.
I would like the hero cards to have the hole(s) in different places. For example, say you have a red hero, a yellow hero, and a blue hero. The red hero would have the hole in a different place than the blue or yellow, and likewise with the others. I'm thinking that the holes would need to be lined up on the X-Axis of the card, but not necessarily the Y-axis (x being the width or horizontal plane, y being the height or vertical plane).
The marks on the enemy cards could be at different places depending on that enemies strengths or weaknesses. For example, one enemy might be weak to blue, so the blue character gets placed higher(?) than the red or yellow character, thus giving a better chance to succeed in the encounter.
There would be other mechanics to modify placement of the hero card (thus giving differing results), but I can worry about those later.
The way I'm currently thinking of laying out the enemy cards is that they would have a column with resuts that would be hit, miss, or critical for the hero. There might be a second column that would show hit, miss or critical for the enemy card (that is, the hero card would also reveal the enemy cards response to the encounter).
The problems I'm facing are:
1) How many results to put on the enemy card (that is, how many entries per column?)
2) Use numbers or hit/miss/crit as results that are revealed (an enemy could take X value to be defeated, or X number of hits where a crit is 2 hits?)
3) What happens when the hero is hit? What effect does the enemy card's response have?
I'm sure there will be other problems that arise as this is ironed out, but I think this could be a really cool mechanic, and if we can get it figured out, it might be neat for other people to use in their games too!
Thanks for reading this, and I look forward to hearing from people!