So I spent a couple of hours pondering more about my current Work-In-Progress (WIP) "Tradewars - Homeworld".
What has been bugging me is the point values on the cards. Obviously lower scoring ones can benefit from bonuses making each card relevant.
But when using the cards as Starships (not trade), weaker cards are left by the wayside as the game progresses. So I needed to find a NEW BALANCE. And this quick table summarizes what I am proposing to change:
1 value, roll +1d12 = values 2 to 13. Very random. Average roll = 7.5
2 value, roll +1d10 = value 3 to 12. Very random. Average roll = 7.5.
3 value, roll +1d8 = value 4 to 11. Less random. Average roll = 7.5.
4 value, roll +1d6 = value 5 to 10. Less random. Average roll = 7.5.
5 value, roll +1d4 = value 6 to 9. Even less random. Average roll = 7.5
As you may notice the Average rolls are IDENTICAL. This formulation makes the game "PERFECTLY BALANCED"!
My problem?
I need help computing the various ODDS for each encounter. Like is it true that a 5 value which varies between 6 to 9 is more advantageous ODDS-wise than a 1 value having values between 2 to 13...
So say 5 value (6 - 9) vs 1 value (2 - 13). What are the odds a 5 will beat a 1 and vice versa.
If someone can explain to me HOW to do the math, I can go on my Merry way and compute all the other possibilities like 3 vs 2, etc.
Many thanks!
Are you saying that "statistically" ALL the cards would be the SAME (odd-wise)?
I'm not 100% sure this is true. Using exhaustive listing I get DIFFERENT results (for outcomes - beats in the following table).
What this sample says is that it would be MORE advantageous to use a smaller starship to battle a big one (when attacking). Does this make any sense? IDK...
Note: this assumes that ties go to the defender...