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Resolving ties with secret bidding?

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Chris_Smith's picture
Joined: 08/03/2008

Anyone have any suggestions or examples that have a mechanic to resolve ties when resolving secret bidding?

I was thinking something along the lines of allowing the tied bidders to go back and forth escalating their bid, 1 "point" at a time till one of them gives in, but if I am going to sue that I might as well just drop the secret bidding altogether and use open bidding.

Help? Thanks!

Joined: 08/06/2008
Off The Top of my head:

Clockwise from the active player (Starting or not starting with the active player)

A rotating totem pole. (Like in O Zoo Le Mio. Resolve bids based on totem pole hierarchy, but then switch involved parties.)

In favor of the player with the least points.

At the discretion of the "emperor" or some other player with a power.

A second blind bid.

Exclude the tied players and give the award to the highest unique bid.

Joined: 12/18/2008
I like all of Isamoor's

I like all of Isamoor's options except the last 2.

The "emperor" could be interesting, but might also be needless AP or an otherwise trivial decision. You'd have to be careful with that one.

I'll add: a rock-paper-scissors type mechanic to resolve ties.

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
No duplicates!

Isamoor wrote:
Exclude the tied players and give the award to the highest unique bid.
This is one of my favorite mechanics. Another is to exclude tied players and give the award to the lowest unique bid. It's not always metaphysically appropriate, but it's a real brain-bender when you can use it.

Chris_Smith's picture
Joined: 08/03/2008
Isamoor wrote: Exclude the

Isamoor wrote:

Exclude the tied players and give the award to the highest unique bid.

This will work perfectly! Thanks for all the suggestion everyone.

Joined: 12/18/2008
How does this work? What are

How does this work? What are some successful examples? I imagine the tied bidders will feel pretty gypped - and for no sensible reason - if the prize is awarded to a player who bid less.

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