Hi, I'm working on a set collection mechanics and I'm looking for some inspirations to find a way to apply it to a board.
I mean, a player collects a set of cards, to then use it to place something on a board.
Of course, ripping Ticket to Ride off would be perfect, but no can do. :)
But the set-collection-to-route-connection and the-longer-route-the-more-points would fit so darn well...
Anyways, can you tell what other games use set collection to build something on a board?
Do you have any advices to give me?
Thank you!
Thank you both for the answer.
The main problem for me here is the theme, I have none in mind, other than routes-related things that I'd prefer to avoid. I would like to find a way to use some set collection mechanics that I have in mind in a way that could step the game up from a simple card game.
More that Catan, it would be something more similar to Tiket to Ride and such: same color sets, and the bigger the set the better.
However, I'm just asking for some suggestions to similar games I may not know of, to widen my knowledge and to see how different designers have developed these basic ideas.
Thank you again!