Hello all, this is my first post.
I am working on my first tangible board game, and it's coming together pretty well, though still in a pretty early stage. Currently I am using a game board with squares as movement spaces. I had not considered using hex spaces until recently. I was wondering what are the main pros and cons of hex vs square game boards? It seems mainly like a freedom of direction type of thing. When is one more needed/preferred?
Some background info about the current movement mechanics: It's determined by dice rolling (D6). Some of the pieces can move up to 7 spaces if they roll a high enough number on a chance die. The gameboard in it's most recent state (still toying with the perfect size) is 13X15 spaces across. The target is for the game is to be on the shorter side, around maybe 30 minutes with two players and 45 for 3/4. Players will be moving around the board quite a bit with detours sending them back to the starting point and also interacting with each other.
As a side question: Do players typically prefer to move by rolling dice, or is it too much chance to be enjoyable? I know I typically like having chance elements interlocked with strategy. It keeps it exciting and adds some drama to gameplay. It seems like a lot of times the more hardcore a boardgamer is, the more likely they hate chance. This seems detrimental to the genre, as it creates a tough hurdle for new board game players to overcome.
Thanks ahead of time for your help!
That makes sense. So would having a set amount of moves work out better?