I have always liked games that are player(s) vs. game. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on these types of games. I am thinking of attempting a game like this. I would like the players to cooperatively compete against different scenarios.
So my question is what are some advantages and disadvantages of having a player act as "The bad guys / moderator/ game master / etc. " for the round. Vs. having some mechanic that handles the bad guys so all the players can act all together.
As example of this I mean some thing like Mutant Chronicles : Siege of the Citadel. The game is a bit cheesy I know. but I LOVED it as a kid. The players take turns being the bad guys.
I had in mind a reward system for the players and for the "Bad Guy" player. A system to reward the players for successful completion of the mission, as well as points for the "Bad guy" player to keep him on scale with every one else. And to offer more points for the "bad guys" to defeat the players. Making that players character average better then the players IF the players are foiled. So the bad guy player is hopefully motivated to do work as hard as then can to stop the players.