I work on my game "Oozelord" for some weeks now.The game is played by 2-5 players, where one player, the Oozelord, controls Slimes and the other players control heroes.
It's a game about 4 heroes which need to collect 5 artifacts from a dungeon which is full of slimes, while the Oozelord has to hinder them with his slime army and overwhelm them with a level 4 slime.
Ok, you think that sounds like a boring Dungeon Crawl , what was done a hundred times before?
I prove you that it is not:
There is no insane amount of stats etc, there is just: movement, armor and life.
The game does not contain any randomness (no dice, no cards nothing)(and i want to keep it like that, so it will be all about strategy)
The basic turn oder is like this:
The Oozelords turn:
Phase 1: Summoning of the Slimes
Phase 2: Movement of the Slimes
Phase 3: Fusion of the Slimes
Phase 4: Attack of the Slimes
Phase 5: End of Turn ( proceed to Heroes' turn)
The Heroes' turn:
Phase 1: Movement
Phase 2: Attack
Phase 3: End of turn ( proceed to Oozelord's turn)
The Oozelord may put up to 2 level 1 slimes into the battlefield on special Summoning fields, after that he may move every slime up to 1 field. If at the end of the movement there are 2 slimes of equal level on a field, the 2 slimes fuse and create a slime of a level 1 higher than the 2 slimes where originally ( for example: 2 level 2 slimes become a level 3 slime)
Attack of the slimes: the slimes may only attack adjacent heroes. the heroes automatically get an amount of damage in the height of the level of the slimes, but the heroes may ignore the first points of damage in the height of their armor rating. ( for example: A Hero gets attacked by a level 2 and a level 1 slime, 2+1 =3 damage, but he has an armor rating of 1 so he may ignore 1 damage this turn -> 3-1= 2 damage for the hero)
If a hero dies he respawns at the dungeonentrance in his next turn.
after the movement, when heroes attack an adjacent slime , the slime automatically splits.
When a slime splits he is removed from the board and replaced by 2 slimes of a level one lower (for example: a level 3 slime which is attacked is replaced by 2 level 2 slimes)
the oozelord has to put the slimes on free fields adjacent to the field the slime splitted on ( if there is no free place
no new slimes are put into play)
(heroes can only kill slimes, when they split them to level 1 and then attack a level 1 slime, becuase he is not replaced by a new slime, or when they kill a slime while he has no place to split)
my problem is: the victory condition of the oozelord is really hard to accomplish -> if he starts making a level 4 slime the heroes just stay at the entrance and destroy him
-> i either need a new victory condition, or a way to balance this and make it fun
because of the movementsystem for the slimes the game is very slowpaced( 1 field per turn in a big dungeon will take a long time) ( i tried to make it something like: the oozelord may move up to 5 fields, which he can distribute under his slimes but that leds to a big amount of passive slimes)
-> new movement system
i have no real penalty for dying heroes, expect that the artifacts they drop are moved to the place they were on startup.
-> need a penalty for dying heroes( hmm maybe mixing it with the victory condition)
- the game needs an element for both sides, which adds that extra tension ( like knowing that the enemy has something strong he can only use one time but you don'T know when it will be)
thanks for the reply =)
no heroes do not have ranged attacks, the way the oozelord wins is by blocking the paths with slimes so the heroes cannot reach the area where he is fusing a lot
I don't like the part with the cards as i want to keep it without any randomness, but the easy solution of moving every slime 1 field AND having 5 movement to be distributed is so simple but yet so effective, thanks.
I think i will fuse both of your ideas (the first and the second) and making it something like: if a hero dies, a slime of the same level of the killing slime is spawned.
The Victory Condition for the Oozelord is still a big problem, if he has to bring a level 4 slime to the entrance, some heroes could just stay near the entrance and block the way for most of the slimes, i am searching a victory condition for him which keeps the heroes moving ( like: they would have to split up because they see that the oozelord is making something which lets him win on the other side of the dungeon) because at the moment, the heroes just stay together and walk trough the dungeon like a tank( and if i summon new slimes in the room they are walking too they just destroy them, if i do not they just take the artifact and go to another room