I have an idea for a game where players play cards in front of them trying build some sort of construction that will suffer destruction during the game. The ones that remain will score points (value of cards x height of structure). If anyone has played Dorra's "The Bucket King", that is something I have in mind. I can only think of two ways one can build cards in a two dimensional way that would lend itself to this mechanic:
1. As in "The Bucket King", players build pyramid formations and if a card is removed, the card(s) that are supported by that removed card also get removed.
2. Cards are played in vertical (pillars) and horizontal (bases) positions and can stack up on top of each other. If a card is removed, the cards above it are also removed. A wide structure is less susceptible to toppling but scores fewer points compared to a taller one.
1. Can you think of any other formations that might work where cards are removed & sometimes collapse during gameplay?
2. Can you think of a unique theme that may work? I had in mind earthquake damage or some sort of military siege where the parts of the structure get damaged by artillery. Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestions for far. Keep em coming if you can think of anything else.