Here's another for the math-minded members of the community...I have 2 games I'm working on which feature set collection as a core mechanic.
One in particular called SushiBOOM! has a deck of over 140 ingredient cards, which was created based on the total number of cards needed to fill all of the orders on the customer cards, plus a few extra for padding. I'm certain I don't need to deliver that many, but I'm unsure how to find that perfect number which keeps the probability of drawing each type of card the same.
The rules also currently have players keeping the sets along with the customer cards as they are won, but creating a discard pile and re-shuffling is of course a better option...which again raises the question of how many cards are really needed.
(PnP here:
Can anyone help me? I have to imagine this is a concern for any set collection game, so hopefully this inquiry can help others as well...thanks!
Makes perfect sense I'll reduce them individually by a common percentage. I'd love to get this down to under 100 cards total. I was also planning on reducing the number of customers to 20 and making each unique instead of pairs, which would further reduce the cards needed.