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Card Ideas

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Joined: 04/30/2012

Hay guys I am looking for more card types for a card game. Here is what I came up with so far.

Trigger cards - When one card trigger another card to make it work
Have card - A card that ask if you have some thing like a penny in your pocket.
Do card - a card that makes you do some thing like do 5 jumping jacks.
Q & A card - A card that ask a question and you give the answer.
Odds card - A card were you flip a coin Heads = 100 tails = -100
Destroy card - A card that Takes another card out of the game.
Discard card - Put the card in a discard pile to be reused.

so any other idels that you all can come up with, website, and blog. Any thing you all can come up with. thanks

Joined: 10/13/2011
Card ideas

Repeat card - a card that functions like an exact copy of the previous card

50/50 card - a two part card in which one player must complete the first part and a different player completes the second part

You have a good list so far!

Joined: 02/28/2013
Not as fun as what has

Not as fun as what has already been listed, but:

Draw Card - draw another card, then choose which player it effects.

Joined: 04/30/2012
Card Ideas

Good ones thanks. Keep them coming.

Joined: 04/30/2012
Card Ideas

Here is another one.

Recover card - Lets you get a card from the discard pile.
Ongoing card - Play this card on every turn until discarded or destroyed.

Word Nerd
Word Nerd's picture
Joined: 02/02/2012
Card Ideas

Please have a look at my Game Journal entry, "The Game...So Far."
If you'll let me pick your brain, I'll let you pick mine.

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