The Idea:
A simple print-and-play RPG about surviving an apocalypse...
...Where you play as yourselves in your hometown/neighbourhood/etc...
Would you find this more or less interesting than playing in a fictional world with invented characters?
How many playthroughs do you think you could get out of this system before it becomes repetitive?
Most importantly, has this been done?
Thanks for putting some thought into this!
Yeah, I think the fact that you play as yourself could be a polarizing factor for sure. I don't see the generation of the setting as being an issue, since if you play in an area that your friends all know, everyone will be familiar with the setting without the GM having to do much work to set it up. For example, "let's go to the hospital". Everyone can visualize where the hospital is and how they might get there.
In general, I see this as an interesting little simulation of whether or not your gaming group could survive an apocalypse. The adventure could even start out with, "you were all sitting down to play an RPG, when..."
I don't think the idea has much replay value to be honest. In my opinion, the fact that this is a print-and-play makes that okay though. (Think Lady Blackbird.)
Thanks for your advice regarding originality. I'm not too worried about copying someone else's idea, just interested to see examples of it in action.