I am creating a card game based on the Clone wars television series (3d). This will be purely for free Print and play, so I do not worry too much about copyright infringment right now...
What I do worry about, is the level of complexity and primarily the "combat" part (forcedrain). If you ever played the old Decipher starwars game, you know what I am talking about. I have played CCG´s since 1995, so I have a vast knowledge of do´s and don'ts. (especcially don'ts.. haha)
I want to create a fast and easy to learn, hard to master card game. I also hate to have like a zilion different card types, so I will stick to one for now (characters) and maybe add one or two more down the road (weapons/ships/special cards). No resource system, because winning or losing because of this has little to do with playing skill and I want the only random factor to be the cards you draw.
I guess you can say that I like simplicity on cards, deepness and complexity in play desicions.
Since I only have one card type, the game could become very..very.. boring. that is why each card will have three functions:
1. Play it as a character on table
2. Use it's action text and discard it from hand
3. Discard it from hand to generate Force.
(each action has it's own "stop" or "go" button)
here you can see an example for the "darkside" template:
http://www.wuxiapian.com/CW/CW002c.jpg (also attached to this post.)
As you can see, this card only has 2 "stats". the bottom one in the black circle is the one you use to generate Force. (Force is used to draw cards later on and for other effects), and The "3" in the blue cirle in the upper right is used for Draining cards from opponent draw deck.
here is where I get a little stuck at the moment. I do not want to add like more stats for STR, Health, block/defense and such, so one number it will probably have to stay.
How I have it work is like this:
I play a character with forcedrain (3). If my opponent does not play a character (or more), I will forcedrain him for 4.
(forcedrain rule: total of my force strength (3) + number of characters I have in play(1)).
Draining will make your opponent lose cards from the top of their drawdeck. Drawdeck empty=lost the game.
In practice and playtesting this turns out to go a bit too fast for my liking. Easy fix you say, just reduce the Forcedrain number on characters..... That would be the solution, but it will not leave much room for variation in characters. (0,1,2,)
If you take the (+ number of characters in play) out of the frocedrain equation, it would serve very little purpose to play characters with just (1) forcedrain. (remember, no resource system).
Next to this, it all boils a bit down to adding up numbers each turn. and it turns out to be a bit "too" simplistic. Next to that, cards played as a character on the table have little to no interaction with opponent's cards in play, which I would like to see increased a lot.
How can I make this part more interesting? would it be possible to even have my characters face my opponent's characters while "keeping it simple"? with just one "attibute" number? Maybe the stat used to generate force can be used as well for "battle"? hmmm...
any imput would be appriciated!
Yes, this is indeed my problem..
most gamecreators would just add some Attack/defense numbers on the card and let them fight it out. I do not want to add more numbers to the cards.
I already got a nice idea from a friend that could work out quite nice:
Use the "generate force" value in combat as well. That way, a character with a high "generate force" value is a good card to use for generating force (obvious), but you would also want him on the table to fight off your opponent.. so you have to make a tough choice... do you play him or sack him? I like that.
Then the actual fighting rules.. do I simply "pair ´em up", or add totals, or some other rules? ugh.. so many choices..
While writing this down, I got a good idea:
Player A has 4 characters in play with these stats:
character A B C D
Forcedrain 1 1 2 4
GenerForce 3 1 3 4
Player B has these 3 characters in play:
character E F G
Forcedrain 1 1 2
GenerForce 2 2 3
Player with the LEAST characters in play gets to pair characters first. Player B will thus pair (for example) his character G with character B.
Then player A gets to pair a character, and so forth until there are no more pairs possible. (players A will have one leftover character in this example).
then resolution will be done.
Since character G has a higher Generate force number than character B, he "wins" the fight and gets to drain opponent. In this case 2 cards (2 is the forcedrain number on character G).
The rest of the pairs resolve in the same way, and any leftover characters automatically "win", thus draining their value against opponent.
hope this made sense...