While browsing board game geek, I stumbled on a game called "DUne Express":
It's a free print and play game that tries to remake the old dune board game by replacing all the tactical actions of the game with a simple yatzee style dice game (or to court the king). In the end, it creates a game that has all the strategic aspects of the original board game and that can be played in 30 minutes instead of an hour.
Many people made variants and improved artwork that greatly makes the game better, by looking at the game, I think that the designer actually made a new type of game that I intend to call: Epic Dice game.
Because if you really thinks about it, you could probably convert all very long epic games using a similar system. For example, it could be possible to convert civilization or twilight imperium as an epic dice game that could be played in 30 minute. That could be awesome, imagine, I could play TI during lunch time.
I currently have 2 epic games of mine in design and I thought it could actually be easier to first make dice game out of them and later make the long and complex game.
So what do you think?
Does epic dice game seem to be a new game type like Dominion did?
Would you like to see other games being converted as epic dice game?
TI could be easily converted. THe only difference is that the number of dice rolled need to vary with empire size which is not the case in dune.
You could have on the faces:
Research: Increase research level which increase odds in battle.
Production: Place new ships into play
Logistic: Move ships on the board.
Imperium: Claim higher ranking titles at the council,
Espionage: Protect your empire or distrub other players.
Having more systems could increase the number of dice you roll. Or some system could give you a specific free result.
You will need X victory points to win which is equal to the nb of system you control + your title level at the council.
COmbat would be very simple, roll 1 die for each ship you have, each die below or equal to your technology level kills an enemy ship.
As for my game, they are the same type of epic game. One could be comparable to Twillight imperium, the other is comparable to civilization with magic.