Hello all,
I've recently had the itch to tinker with a feudal system type board game that incorporates multiple aspects of empire building that ultimately allow for multiple routes to victory. The idea was inspired by the age of empires style computer games.
I don't have extensive historical knowledge and so I'm going for play-ability over realism and may very well go with a fantasy setting in the end.
So far I have a puerto rico style action system in that one round is composed of each player taking turns selecting an action and having each other player also perform that action. The player that selects an action receives some additional bonus for doing so.
The actions I have in mind and what they do (so far) are as follows...
Harvest- gain food resources based on farmland you control
Mine/Lumber- gain wood/gold/mineral resources based on the mines/forests/quarries you control
Trade- gain gold based on the number of trade routes/other cities you are connected to by roads.
Muster- gain military forces based on some type of resource you're willing to spend.
Scout- place terrain tiles onto the board. the entire board is not known at the game start, most hexes will be 'empty'
War Time- move your military forces, potentially fight or attack other cities.
anyway, those are the basics so far. The combat system I'm planning on is something similar to the 'game of thrones' board game.
My worry is this game might become too big, but if that happens I'll let it grow and then tighten it up afterwards.
Has anybody else designed anything similar to this?
What other games out there already do what I'm aiming for here?
Thank you for the quick reply!
I had originally thought of simply 1 action per turn, but the puerto rico idea struck. I love how it elegantly requires players to think about how what they do will help more than just themselves. So its definitely something I have to figure out.
Also, the tile placement from carcassone is exactly what I had in mind for tile placement in my game, just that the game has blank hexes you play your tiles onto that way there is a set distance between players' home bases.
also, the resources wouldn't start on the board, they'd be placed as tiles. scouting out territory is represented by placing tiles of your choice, which means the more you scout, the better the resources you'll find.
Also, there is no dice rolling for the combat system. Game of thrones did basically this -> you have a certain number of 'pawns' representing your army which gives you a total army strength. Then players have combat cards numbered 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3. When a combat ensues, players secretly choose which card they will use, then reveal and add that to their army's strength. whoever scores highest wins that combat. I'm going to be working off of this system and the 'combat' cards will be 'influence' cards that can be used by players for more than just combat. Once you use a card, you can't use it again until all of your other cards have been used.
This will also require players to choose where their influence is going, whether to military force, or to farming, etc.
My idea is currently in an extreme conceptual phase and so I believe that makes it seem much larger a game than I'm envisioning it.