[EDIT: this game has been updated, and although the summary below still makes sense, the game is much more polished after a handful of revisions. Please offer some feedback on the current rulesheet if you can. Thanks!
http://www.let-off.com/bgames/gemessengers.pdf ]
I've put together a rulesheet for a prototype and I was hoping I could collect some feedback on what I have so far. This game is early in development, but I have a fairly clear idea of what I want to do with it. It's kinda like Sushi Go! with pattern-building more so than matching. Here are some details:
- I want to make a game that uses a single deck of cards, and needs no additional components (using fewer than the standard 54 cards is okay, as it does with this current version).
- I want the game to be on the lighter side, nonviolent, and accessible to a casual game-playing audience.
- The theme is not set in stone, it just seemed to work with what I had in mind at the time I was starting things off. I am completely open to other considerations, barring things that don't match with the above criteria.
- I've currently done solo playtesting with this, made a few tweaks, but generally speaking, the game is sound and the center holds.
- I am concerned that the game is too light, and doesn't allow for much planning (that is, I dare say it's too random: a perennial "feature" of many of my game designs these days). I'm wondering what players can do to plan ahead a bit more. If I can nail this, then I will feel much stronger about this design.
- Any ideas for the three remaining cards? I could use them as a reference, but the instruction sheet could stand in, instead.
Here's a link to the draft of the rulesheet I put together:
Any thoughts? Please share them here. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback Jay103. I'm still struggling with the intensely random nature of this game. I have a designer's meeting this weekend so I will see if anything can be altered between now and then.
Ready and willing to consider any additional suggestions, everyone. Thanks!