OK so i was grocery shopping and got an idea lol... the game is about grocery shopping.
I'm thinking it will be a 2 player game, and players will take a card from the grocery list deck and their job is to get the items seen on the list in the grocery, and both players will race who ever gets their list completed and goes to the cashier first wins. To make it more fun players can set traps that will either make the opposing player lose 1 of their item or skip a turn, and steal 1 item from them.
I'm stuck on these problems:
I'm thinking either a hex grid or a regular square board.
How will the players move to make it fair for the 2nd player because if i try by dice then the 1st player has the upper hand?
where will the players be placed? the opposite sides or in the same spot.
thnx for the help ^^
thanks for all the replies everyone :D keeping up notes and designing the game already ^^